Sandy Dao x Flaunter
Sandy Dao is the Art Director at Vogue Living, and spends her days creating, sourcing and sharing beautiful imagery of homes you want to move into right now. We sat down with Sandy to find out a little more about what her typical day looks like, and how Flaunter fits in.
What does your typical day look like?
I wake up and try to create something meaningful, and connect. Throw in emails, problem solving, creative thinking, design and some laughs along the way, and that’s all in a day’s work.
How has the type of work you do changed over the past few years?
Everything and everyone has become that little bit busier, urgent and fast paced. We have moved into a period where everything can be consumed instantaneously. I try not to fall too deep into that cycle. I believe it’s our responsibly to stop, reset and produce a meaningful product with substance and to start a conversation. It’s something I’m not willing to sacrifice the integrity of, not matter how time sensitive somethings may be.
What part of your job takes you the most time?
Developing and producing shoots. The layers that go into working on a shoot takes time, thought and care. However when the final outcome has fulfilled the brief, it’s always so rewarding.
What’s the most ‘painful’ part of your job?
I’m fortunate enough to wholeheartedly love what I do, so nothing is entirely “painful”. But I don’t like wasting time (who does?). So, I’d say when the day has passed and you realise you haven’t used up your time as you had intended, that can be the most “painful” part of any job.
How does Flaunter make your job easier?
“Everything and everyone has become that little bit busier, urgent and fast paced. We have moved into a period where everything can be consumed instantaneously. Luckily, I have Flaunter.”
It’s a wonderful resource for me and my team. The assets are print ready, with the advantage of having a breadth of images.
What do you like most about Flaunter?
It’s efficient and progressive.