Spotlight on: Fashion Stylist, Georgina Kar

Dive into the stylish world of Georgina Kar, a Sydney-based Fashion Stylist and Creative Consultant with an 18-year journey through the fashion industry.

From personal styling to creating stunning visuals for top brands like Mercedes and Netflix, Georgina’s flair for marrying clothing with emotion has positioned her as a luminary in her field.

Join us as we explore her unique perspective, gained from diverse roles including photo editor, stylist, and creative director, and uncover how she crafts visual stories that resonate. Get ready to be inspired by Georgie’s journey and insights in this exclusive interview.

Georgie, hi! We’re so excited to have you part of the Flaunter community. Can you start by telling us a little about yourself, how you found yourself in the world of fashion styling and creative consulting?

In a nutshell, my career kicked off in publishing. I worked at ACP during its prime producing photo shoots for several magazines. I then transitioned to the agency side, I managed and produced talent, including photographers, hair/makeup and stylists. I returned to magazines again briefly as a photo editor, which was a role I loved. Along the way, I had my daughter, I then freelanced in the agency realm, and given my experience on set and my passion for fashion, I found myself frequently advising others on wardrobe choices and styling. This led me to take a leap of faith and start my own business. It has been amazing so far and I’m learning so much as my business grows. I am so grateful that I followed my intuition and jumped in.

What’s the first outfit you ever remember putting together that made you realise fashion was your calling? 

I can’t recall a specific outfit, however, what I can share is that I remember always wanting to wear unique combinations, playing around with various pieces and different colours.

You’ve been in this dynamic industry for nearly two decades. How have you seen the role of a stylist evolve during this time?

I feel the role of a Stylist has expanded over the years. The landscape has shifted significantly with Stylists having a more multifaceted role, such as brand collaborations, influencing, celebrity dressing, trend forecasting etc. We are no longer boxed into one compartment. Social media has also brought about change – we can now engage directly with the wider audience which gives us the opportunity to share and showcase our individuality and perspective.

We’re fascinated by your take on the emotional narrative of fashion. Can you tell us more about how clothing isn’t just aesthetic but emotional for you? 

I truly believe what we wear is intertwined with emotions. When I started my business, my driving motivation was to empower women by making them feel beautiful. I feel there is a deep connection between our outward appearance and our internal sense of well-being. I also believe that when we look good, we are more likely to feel good about ourselves. It’s about nurturing confidence and positive emotions.

With your experience with media, advertising and creative agencies, how do you feel these roles have enriched your skills as a stylist? 

My diverse experience has played a huge role in how I run my business. I find that I use a variety of skills, ranging from budgets, admin, shoot productions and co-ordination. The knowledge I gained during my early years as a producer now serves as a valuable foundation for managing and growing my business. 

From fashion shoots to curating designer lookbooks, what does your creative process look like? 

In terms of the creative process, whether for fashion shoots, curating looks, creating content, hosting masterclasses/events; planning is crucial as is collaboration. I work closely with the team/s and or brands to bring their vision to life. While planning is important I do leave room for the creative process to unfold organically.

You’ve collaborated with a litany of high-profile brands. Any favourites? And who’s on your dream list to work with?  

I’ve built strong, lasting relationships over the years. I am so grateful for each of my clients. My dream list includes working more closely with some of the luxury brands in the future.

As a creative director, you also handle the casting and vision for campaigns. How does this role intertwine with your work as a stylist? 

In my role as a Creative Director, handling casting and campaign vision goes hand in hand with my work as a Stylist. It’s about ensuring that the model selection and styling aligns seamlessly to create a cohesive visual story for the brand/project.

Speaking of teams, what qualities do you look for in photographers, models and crew when assembling your dream team for a project?

I look for individuals who are hardworking, have positive energy, and thrive collaborating. Teamwork is the essence of success and creating beautiful work.

In your words, you ‘know how to deliver a stunning end result.’ Can you share an anecdote about a project that particularly challenged you but ended up being exceptionally rewarding?

The project that probably stands out as one of the most challenging was the rollout of Westfield Direct 2021 – this was a huge influencer platform, it involved liasing with each influencer and creating 3-4 looks for each. The campaign was a 2 month gig and it was all happening during covid lockdown – when no shops and pr’s were operating and everyone was working from home. It was super challenging to bring it to life with all the obstacles and setbacks, we got there in the end and the campaign was huge success.

For our audience who are budding stylists or are looking to break into the industry. What advice would you give them?  

My advice would be to absorb as much knowledge as possible. Assist different stylists, go the extra mile, learn the ropes and keep learning, knowledge is power – I strongly stand by this. Dive into creating, reach out to people to collaborate and be consistent in your efforts.

Last but not least, what’s next for Georgina Kar? Any exciting projects you can give us a sneak peek into? 

It’s been a big year, and looking ahead, I’m focused on the continued growth and expansion of my brand. While I have a few exciting ideas in the works, I’m keeping some details under wraps for now. Stay tuned for what’s to come.


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