PR Trends ‘Ins’ and ‘Outs’ of 2024

2024 PR Trends: What's Hot and What's Not in Public Relations

Our team caught up this week to piece together what we believe will be the all-important ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ for PR and brands in 2024.

Let us know what you think! Do you agree or disagree? We’d love to hear your thoughts on what will be in & out this year. Let us know at

The ‘In’ Crowd - where PR is heading

1. Investing in High-Quality Product Photography 📸

Dive into the world of high-def product photography because, let's face it, we all judge a book by its cover. This isn't just about pretty pictures; it's about telling your product's story in a single snapshot, making every pixel count in your press releases and social feeds!

2. More Unique Brand Storytelling 📚

Forget cookie-cutter narratives; personalised, authentic stories that resonate with your audience's heart and soul are the way forward. Let your brand's unique voice shine through!

3. User-Generated Content (UGC) 💡

Nothing beats the authenticity and trustworthiness of content created by your own audience. Embrace UGC to foster a genuine community vibe and enhance credibility.

4. Events & Brand Activations 🎉

Bring your brand to life with events and activations that stick. We're talking about those 'you-had-to-be-there' moments that get people talking, sharing, and hashtagging. It's all about creating experiences that bond, dazzle, and leave a lasting impression.

5. Building Genuine Media & Influencer Relationships 🤝

In 2024, it's not just about who you know, but how well you know them. Cultivate sincere, long-term relationships with influencers and media for collaborations that truly resonate.

6. Earned Media Placements 🌟

Earned media is the applause your brand gets when its story is so compelling that the media shares it freely, elevating your credibility without a price tag. It's about creating buzz-worthy content that journalists, influencers, and bloggers can't wait to amplify, offering a trust and authority level that paid ads can't match. This is your brand in the spotlight, winning hearts and sparking conversations that set you apart as a leader in your space.

7. Using Digital Tech Tools to Work Smarter, Not Harder 🛠️

Tech tools to the rescue, PR pros, rejoice! Leverage the latest in digital tools and platforms to streamline your PR efforts, from 24/7 discoverability, image sharing & tracking to digital showroom management and PR analytics, ensuring you're always ahead of the game with less grunt work.

The ‘Out’ List - What’s fading into history

1. Not Having a PR Strategy 🚫

Flying by the seat of your pants? Not in 2024! Operating without a clear PR strategy is a risk no brand should take. It's crucial to have a structured approach that outlines objectives, target audiences, key messages and tactics. This ensures that every PR activity is intentional and aligned with the brand's overall goals.

2. Highly Produced Social Content 🎬

While quality matters, overly polished and scripted content is losing its charm. Audiences crave real, relatable and raw content that speaks to their experiences.

3. Mass Email Blasts and Press Release Distribution 📰

Blasting the same email to your entire contact list? Major faux pas! Tailored communication is in; mass emailing is out. Just like the spray-and-pray approach to press releases is out. Tailored, targeted and newsworthy content that speaks directly to specific media outlets and audiences is in.

4. Copy-Catting 🐈‍⬛

It's been a year of déjà vu with brands mirroring each other's campaigns. Inspiration is one thing, but outright copying dilutes your brand's uniqueness. Originality is the name of the game - be influenced, but make it unmistakably yours.

5. All Work, No Play 🚫

Brands that are all business and no fun are finding it hard to connect. It’s time to infuse some personality and playfulness into your brand voice!

6. Cookie-Cutter Content 🍪

Content that feels generic and uninspired is a surefire way to get lost in the shuffle. Dare to be different, and let your brand's unique personality shine!

7. Overlooking Employee Advocacy 🙋‍♂️

Your employees are your brand's most authentic voices. Failing to harness their insights and enthusiasm for advocacy misses out on a golden opportunity to humanise your brand from the inside out.

So, there you have it - our roundup of the ‘ins’ and the definite ‘outs’ for PR in 2024. Remember, in the ever-evolving world of public relations, staying ahead of the curve isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity.

Ready to supercharge your brand and PR game this year? Find out how Flaunter helps brands scale, build credibilty, secure press coverage and more. Contact our team for a complimentary call or platform demo. Get started with 14-days free.


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