How ‘Peach Fuzz’, Pantone’s Colour of the Year Influences Brands and Media

Pantone's Color of the Year for 2024, Peach Fuzz, is a delightful, warm hue that captures a sense of nurturing and connection. This choice reflects a growing trend towards colours that convey comfort and positivity.

For brands, media, and creators, Peach Fuzz offers a fresh perspective and new opportunities in every aspect of business from product development to branding, photography and content creation.

We’re all craving connection and tranquility, and Pantone's selection of Peach Fuzz 13-1023 as the Colour of the Year for 2024 couldn't be more timely. This nurturing peach tone represents our collective longing for empathy, peace and a simpler, more mindful way of living. It's a response to the chaos of modern life, offering a visual representation of our need for health, stamina and the strength to enjoy life's pleasures.

Peach Fuzz 13-1023 is more than just a hue; it's a call to recalibrate our priorities, aligning them with our deepest values. It's about cherishing those special moments, whether with loved ones or in solitary reflection. This colour stands for community, togetherness and a commitment to fostering our inner selves amid life's hustle.

Here’s how your brand can use 2024’s colour of the year:

Fashion and accessories: Add tactile appeal with velvety and quilted textures, inviting touch and creating warmth and comfort. Ideal for clothing and accessories that stand out visually and feel cosy.

Interior design and home décor: Transform living spaces into sanctuaries of warmth and welcome. This colour breathes life into homes, infusing them with a comforting, serene energy that makes every corner a cosy treat. Suitable for painted walls, home décor and accents.

Hair, skincare and beauty: Add a natural, rosy glow to complexions, versatile for pairing with various shades. This colour bestows a natural, radiant glow to skincare and cosmetic products, from blushes to lip colors, enhancing natural beauty with its gentle, healthful radiance.

Kids and baby: Peach imparts a gentle, nurturing touch. Perfect for children’s wear, nursery decor and playthings, this colour wraps the little ones in a cocoon of softness and tranquility making it a favourite for both young hearts and parents.

Destinations and venues: Invite warmth into your location by transforming traditional promotional materials into havens of comfort and allure, ideal for crafting an ambiance of relaxation in hotels, restaurants, spas and travel locales.

Electronics: Break the old of conventional tech aesthetics and infuse with a refreshingly modern twist. This hue lends an approachable, chic flair to gadgets, packaging and marketing, standing out in a world of standard electronic colours.

Each year, the Pantone Color of the Year significantly influences brands, media and content creators, setting the tone for style and mood. Here's a deeper dive into what this means for you:

Product development

Incorporating Peach Fuzz into product development is more than just a colour choice; it’s a strategic move to infuse your products with a sense of warmth and personal touch. This approach is about subtly integrating this comforting hue in ways that enhance the user’s experience. It’s the delicate balance of incorporating Peach Fuzz into textures that are pleasing to touch or design elements that visually soothe and invite.

This tactic is not about overtly overwhelming your products with colour. Rather thoughtfully applying touches of Peach Fuzz where it can make the most impact - like a gentle nod of familiarity and comfort to your consumers. It’s about making your product not just a utility but a part of your customer’s everyday comfort. By using the colour of the year in your product development, you’re creating a connection that extends beyond the product itself.


Peach Fuzz is the new go-to hue in the branding world. In 2024, adopting Peach Fuzz in your branding is a smart move to infuse your brand with a sense of approachability and modern elegance. This colour acts as a welcoming gesture to your customers. Integrating Peach Fuzz into elements like your logo or packaging subtly communicates, "We're here, we're fresh and we understand the need for comfort in today's world." It's a way to make your brand feel more like a familiar, friendly presence.

On the digital front, incorporating Peach Fuzz into your website and social media platforms can transform them into inviting spaces. This isn't about an overhaul but adding touches of this warm hue to create content that's visually appealing and emotionally resonant. By weaving Peach Fuzz into your branding strategy, you're not just keeping up with a trend; you're telling your audience that your brand is in tune with their desires for something relatable and reassuring. This is your brand’s opportunity to subtly stand out and connect with your audience in a meaningful, heartfelt way.

Photography and content creation

Capturing the essence of Peach Fuzz in photography and content is about telling compelling stories. This colour stands out, draws people in, and is perfect for creating visuals that evoke emotions and deeper audience connections. When incorporated into Instagram posts or TikTok videos, Peach Fuzz doesn't just add aesthetic value; it helps to convey a mood of warmth and positivity, subtly enhancing the emotional impact of your content. It's about using this hue to gently invite viewers into your narrative, creating a sense of connection and familiarity.

For broader marketing campaigns, Peach Fuzz can be a subtle yet powerful tool. Incorporating it into background tones, product imagery, or graphical elements can unify your campaign's look and feel, while also making it more approachable and engaging. This isn’t about overwhelming your audience with colour, but rather strategically using it to create a cohesive and emotionally appealing visual story. The goal is to make your campaign visually memorable and emotionally appealing, using Peach Fuzz to create content that not only stands out but also strikes a chord with the viewer. In this way, Peach Fuzz becomes more than just a colour choice - it becomes an integral part of your brand’s storytelling.

Journalists, stylists, influencers and creators

For journalists, editors, stylists, and influencers, the Pantone Color of the Year, particularly Peach Fuzz, holds significant sway in shaping trends and narratives across various industries. This colour becomes a focal point for content creation, influencing the direction of articles, features and visual storytelling in sectors like fashion, wellness and interior design. It offers a fresh perspective for your stories and campaigns, aligning with the public's growing interest in themes of comfort, mindfulness and positivity. Media professionals turn to platforms like Flaunter that provide a rich repository of high-quality, Peach Fuzz-themed visuals and products, essential for creating relevant and visually compelling content.

Stylists and fashion influencers find in Peach Fuzz a key element for their wardrobe curation and photoshoot planning. Incorporating this hue helps you stay in sync with the year's trending colour, making their work and posts appear current and in tune with the latest fashion trends. For influencers, showcasing Peach Fuzz in your content is a strategic way to engage with an audience that looks to them for the newest styles and lifestyle inspiration.

Incorporating Peach Fuzz can be done through thematic campaigns and content series, maintaining consistency and leveraging the colour's popularity. Collaborations with brands featuring Peach Fuzz in their products can offer unique content creation opportunities, from sponsored posts to exclusive access to new lines. Visually, using Peach Fuzz in backgrounds, outfits or product displays, especially on platforms like Instagram, ensures content stands out. It's not just about being trendy; it's about creating content that resonates with the comforting and joyful qualities associated with Peach Fuzz, making it timely and engaging for the audience.

Flaunter's role in elevating ‘Peach Fuzz’

As a digital PR platform, Flaunter is perfectly positioned to help brands leverage the warmth and positivity of Peach Fuzz in their PR and marketing strategies. We offer the means to showcase Peach Fuzz-inspired products and stories to a broad audience of media and content creators. By facilitating these connections and offering tools for effective storytelling, Flaunter plays a pivotal role in bringing this comforting and positive hue to the forefront of public consciousness.

So, your takeaway from this. Remember, Peach Fuzz 13-1023 is not just a colour; it’s a statement. It’s about creating products, brands and content that resonate with warmth, comfort, and positivity. Let’s embrace this beautiful hue and make 2024 a year filled with the comforting embrace of Peach Fuzz. 🍑✨


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From the Mouths of Media: Lauren Sams, AFR