Now Trending: #Unboxing - How to master the art of PR & Influencer Gifting

Media and influencers have been an important part of the fashion, lifestyle, and beauty industry for years. As brands have grown more sophisticated, so has their approach to getting the word out about their products.

Instead of just sending press releases to journalists and hoping they will write a story about a product, brands are now reaching out to influencers, bloggers and stylists on social media with PR gifts - from clothing to accessories to cosmetics - in addition to the usual information about the product itself. Content creators share these packages with their followers, who then associate their favourite personalities with the brand in question.

This type of exposure can help a company grow its audience exponentially, as well as generate buzz among potential customers who may not have known about its existence before seeing it shared by someone they trust.

With over 42.6 billion views on TikTok and 3.3 million posts on Instagram, #unboxing content is a big deal. But as the market becomes more competitive, brands are finding new ways to stand out from the crowd.

Here are some tips for making sure your brand gets noticed:

Be personal and direct.

Media and content creators are busy people, they get hundreds of emails and DMs every day. Make sure your product makes sense for them and their audience; if they don't use it in their videos/posts/podcasts/etc., what's the point? If you have an idea for a collaboration or sponsorship opportunity, don't be afraid to ask for exactly what you want.

Ready for their close-up .

Make sure all of your products are available online for review before sending out packages so that they can be reviewed by the content creator once they receive them. 

Arm yourself with answers and information.

Include information about your brand and products that will make it easy for the content creator to write about them. Be prepared for any questions or concerns that may arise from reviewing your products; be ready with answers or solutions before any issues come up. 

Track everything!

Monitor and keep records of your gifts and packages, earned content, mentions, reviews, followers and sales. Flaunter’s showroom system tracks your inventory - what's out, where items are located and what’s overdue, so you know where each gift or sample is 100% of the time.

Keep in touch. 

Once a relationship has been established with media or an influencer, don't be afraid to contact them periodically with updates on new projects or ideas for collaborations. This will show them how much you value their time and expertise and make sure that they know how much they mean to you!

Streamline work with your smarter, more efficient, and more cost-effective digital showroom manager, Flaunter.

Sign up for your free trial now. 

Image via Herbivore Botanicals


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