Why Your Brand Isn’t Getting Media Mentions

Guess what. The media isn’t snubbing your brand. They can’t just find it.

Do you feel like your brand is stuck in the dark? Un-discovered by the right journalists? Like you’re in the “My Brand Deserves Media Attention” club?

Getting the media to spotlight your brand can feel like trying to get a cat to obey commands - nearly impossible, but pretty entertaining to attempt.

Let us tell you why you’re not getting promoted by media.

First. They haven’t even discovered your brand yet.

You have a website, a social media profile, an email database, and maybe even some ads running. Great. Good start. That’s going to help you attract potential customers, because those are the marketing channels that they look at for finding products.

But media don’t. Media have their eye on emerging trends, attend industry events, get sent 1000s of press releases via email… But where do they go to search for brands and products to feature? Flaunter, of course.

In case you didn’t know. Journalists, editors, stylists, industry, influencers and content creators use Flaunter (a free PR tool) where they get access to millions of hi-res, ready-to-publish images from fashion, beauty, home, tech, hospitality and kids brands. Every day, media log onto Flaunter, search for their niche - they could be looking for the latest “KitchenAid” product, a “Red Dress”, the newest “Lipstick” shade - and those products would instantly appear, ready for them to download and promote at the click of a button.

So, that is how media find brands. Haven’t uploaded your brand to Flaunter? No stress. Get started with our free trial.

Essentially what you want to do, is have your press kit available to media 24/7, allowing them to access your images, videos, media releases, lookbooks, sample collections and more when they need to.

Second. Reasons why they’re not talking about your brand.

It could be that your images are too low-res. Or that you haven’t built strong media relationships or contacted media that are not aligned to your brand.

It could be that you’ve decided to blast out press releases to mass-databases with no real personalisation. Or it could be that your brand's story lacks detail or that 'je ne sais quoi' that makes journalists stop and say, "Now that's a story!"

Third. How to get media to promote your brand and products.

Start with a strategy. Do you have a PR strategy in place? We cannot stress how important it is to have a strategy before you start working on your content and media approach. And that’s true for all areas of your business - from marketing and brand to sales.

Here are our top tips for getting media to know about you, want to work with you and start featuring your brand.

Step into the Spotlight with Precision: First up, it's time to sharpen those press releases [and no, press releases are not dead]. Generic blasts? A big no-no. Releases with no point. Another no-no. Craft each [relevant] pitch with the care of a love letter, tailored and personalised for each journalist or outlet. Show them you know their work, you appreciate their audience, and you have something that fits perfectly into their narrative puzzle.

Cultivate Relationships, Not Contacts: Think of media professionals as potential friends, not just email addresses. Engage with them on Flaunter, compliment their work, and offer insights without expecting anything in return. Over time, this genuine interaction can turn into a trusted relationship where your brand is top of mind.

Be a Storyteller, Not a Salesperson: Your brand's story should be as compelling as a page-turner. Find the hook that makes your brand unique and spin it into a narrative that's irresistible. Remember, journalists are storytellers at heart; give them a story worth telling.

Visuals That Demand a Double Take: Upgrade your imagery to be so captivating that it's impossible to scroll past. High-res is a given [that means 300dpi minimum and a good mix of product, lifestyle and campaign shots], but aim for visuals that convey your brand's essence, tell a story and evoke emotion. Sometimes, a single striking image can say more than a lengthy press release - and we’ve got the downloads to prove it ;)

Timing is Everything: Launching a new product? Rebranding? Hosting an event? Time your announcements when they're most likely to resonate. Keep an eye on the editorial calendar, seasonal trends and current events to find your perfect moment.

Showcase Your Expertise: Position yourself and your brand as thought leaders in your niche. Offer valuable insights, trends analysis, or commentary on current events. Journalists often seek expert opinions, and being a go-to source can lead to increased brand mentions.

Make It Easy: Have a readily accessible online press kit on Flaunter, complete with high-res images, your brand backstory, recent press releases, and contact information. The less work a journalist has to do to cover your brand, the better.

Follow Up, But Don't Stalk: A gentle nudge can go a long way, but know where to draw the line. If a journalist expresses interest, follow up with additional information or offer an interview. However, respect their decision if they decide not to proceed.

You’ve made it this far. So you know just how important media mentions are for your brand.

If you’re really wanting to level up your PR game and boost your brand’s visibility and credibility, then join the 100s of lifestyle brands already using Flaunter today. Or reach out to our team for a complimentary discovery call: hello@flaunter.com.


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