Beyond the clicks: Why smart brands are choosing digital PR over ads

Let’s paint a picture: You’ve been pouring funds into digital ads – from Facebook and Instagram to TikTok, Pinterest and YouTube. You’re expecting a boom in website traffic, engagement and a dramatic uptick in conversions. But the outcome is more ‘meh’ than ‘wow.’

Sounds familiar? You’re not alone. Many brands experience this, and it’s not for a lack of ad-savvy. There’s a more effective way to achieve your goals and get the results you’re after.

It’s time to shift gears from the saturated world of digital advertising to the more dynamic and impactful realm of digital PR.

The shift from clicks to connections

The reality of ads today

Think of digital ads as that once-chart-topping song that’s now overplayed. Audiences, armed with ad blockers, are increasingly tuning out, seeking ad-free digital spaces. It’s not just anecdotal; the numbers reflect a significant dip in ad engagement. Plus, with those data privacy updates making waves (hello, iOS and Chrome changes), the once straightforward path of ad targeting now feels like walking a tightrope.

Digital PR, the new marketing frontliner

Enter digital PR – the fresh, innovative force in marketing. This isn’t your traditional press release affair. Digital PR is a harmonious blend of compelling storytelling, engaging social media presence and strategic influencer/brand collaborations. The result? You’re looking at building a brand that lasts, growing an organic fanbase, and giving your SEO a serious power-up.

SEO loves digital PR

SEO is totally into digital PR 😉

Let’s geek out on SEO for a sec. Digital PR is the hidden gem in your SEO strategy. It involves crafting content that both people and search engines adore, propelling your website up the search rankings. In Australia, for instance, organic search is the highest driver of traffic – more than paid search, direct visits or referrals COMBINED (Rocket Agency, 2023)! It’s a data-backed truth: quality content and organic search are powerful drivers of web traffic.

From ‘likes’ to ‘loves’ and beyond

Ads might get eyes, but digital PR gets hearts. This approach is about igniting true engagement, something that ads often fall short of achieving. The correlation between well-executed PR campaigns and spikes in sales is undeniable – it’s the kind of marketing success story we all strive for.

Navigating the data privacy landscape

In a world where data privacy is one of the hottest topics, digital PR is like a breath of fresh air. It sidesteps the tricky privacy issues plaguing digital ads. PR is about building trust and keeping it real, no data snooping needed. Because digital PR is rooted in trust and authenticity – no underhanded data tactics required – it’s the way forward for brands that value authenticity, loyalty and transparency.

Your digital PR blueprint

So, how do you jump aboard the digital PR train? The first step is understanding the landscape and recognising the tools at your disposal. Digital PR is a multifaceted realm, where success hinges not just on broadcasting your message, but on crafting narratives that resonate, building authentic relationships and engaging in meaningful conversations.

Flaunter: amplifying your digital PR strategy

Here’s where Flaunter shines. With Flaunter, you gain access to a rich network of media connections, amplifying your reach and impact. Imagine having your brand story picked up by key influencers and thought leaders, resonating across various platforms. Flaunter makes this possible.

To wrap it up, the digital world is changing, that’s why savvy brands are prioritising digital PR over the sole reliance of digital ad spend. While digital ads offer immediate reach and precise targeting, digital PR excels in building trust, establishing thought leadership and creating resonant narratives that forge stronger connections with audiences. For brands yet to explore digital PR, it’s an unmissable opportunity to complement and enhance their marketing mix. By integrating both digital ads and PR, brands can achieve a balanced and effective strategy, capturing immediate attention while nurturing long-term loyalty and trust.


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