5 Steps To Getting the Most out of your Free Trial

Because the First Two Weeks is Just the Beginning…

Here at Flaunter, we want to make sure we’re a perfect fit for each other. Like fish and chips, salt and pepper, cookies and cream – we’re all about making sure we’re on the same page before we ask for your credit card details.

Which is why we offer a free two week trial (get yours here). 

Recently, we’ve had a few conversations with PRs who want to be able to demonstrate to clients or managers the impact of Flaunter by the end of their trial. We love working with people who wear their enthusiasm on their sleeves, so we’ve put together this guide to help you get the absolute most out of your two week free Flaunter trial.

Get your profile set up on Day 1.

We’ve all done it – signed up to a free trial, then let it languish until it’s too late. Strike while the iron is hot and get your profile set up, it’ll take you less than 5 minutes. You’ll need:

  • A high res copy of your logo

  • A 1600 x 500px cover image

  • High res imagery to create your first brand album OR images of your physical sample stock (these can just be iPhone pics).

Want a step by step how-to to set up the ultimate Flaunter profile? Go here

Upload images to your digital press centre and showroom

The very best Flaunter profiles use the platform for the majority of their image management, which means you need to get uploading. But don’t worry – it’s a snap. 

To create your digital media center, you’ll need high resolution images and to sort them into categories. Think of your albums like you would categories in your eCommerce store – mens, womens, childrens or broken down into seasons.

To create your digital sample showroom, you won’t need high resolution images. You’ll only need images that are able to be identified by your team. One image = one sample, so either upload one image for every sample that you have in your collection or just duplicate the same image within Flaunter.

Invite your team

Everything is better with friends, including Flaunter. If you are part of a bigger team, we recommend getting your teammates onto the platform early in your trial. Make sure the people who are responsible for the day-to-day of sample tracking or image management are invited to your account, as well as those responsible for providing feedback and reporting to clients or managers so that you’re able to get their honest feedback by the end of the trial.

We’d also recommend that you share our training emails with your team (sent every few days to your email account) – so that you’re not leaving them in the dark about how to get the most out of Flaunter. 

Share links to your albums with your existing media list

Nope, don’t right click on that Dropbox link – head straight to your Flaunter account and share a link to your album or showroom. You can send albums and showrooms to your contacts directly from Flaunter or just copy your album link and send it from your own email address.

Why? Because you can track exactly who’s viewed what, which images have been downloaded and which images have been left on the virtual shelf, all very valuable insights you can use when reporting back to clients.

Can’t do that with a lowly Dropbox link.

Get Au Fait with Flaunter reporting

Clients asking for reports but you don’t have the data? Problem solved with Flaunter. Here are just a couple of our favourite reports:

How to create a sample tracking activity report:

How to create an image download report:

Want more? Here’s all the data you can access via your Flaunter account (it’s a lot.)

The key to these reports? You need to be using Flaunter actively to see the real data, so get uploading and sharing!

Our biggest tip for getting the most out of your two week trial? Remember the importance of consistency. As PRs, how often have we told our clients that the real ‘magic bullet’ when it comes to building a brand is building and nurturing relationships – not about one-off, flash-in-the-pan activities? 

That’s why we believe that the more you use your Flaunter profile, the more you’ll get out of it, whether that’s more comprehensive data and reporting that you can pass on to your clients or managers, significant time and resource savings, or stronger relationships with editors and media.

Sign up for your free trial today. 


Spotlight On: 10 minutes with Chloe Brinklow from TOMBOY Beauty


How Easy is it to Switch to Flaunter Showrooms? Get Set Up in 10 minutes.