2023 in review: This year’s best performing PR tactics, and what to expect in 2024

2023 was a year of unparalleled creativity, especially in the world of PR.

From the likes of guerrilla style campaigns leaving fake parking tickets on Sydney-siders’ cars in Bondi to Maybelline’s AI-generated mascara wand adding eyelashes to buses, PR tactics this year were innovative, out-of-the-box, sometimes controversial, and set the bar high for brands planning PR stunts in 2024.

Let’s take a moment to reflect and appreciate these innovative efforts, and predict what the future holds.

Top PR tactics of 2023

Storytelling that resonates

2023 saw brands elevate their storytelling game, connecting with audiences like never before. We witnessed a shift towards genuine, relatable narratives. From the grassroots tales of local businesses to the ambitious journeys of global giants, these stories weren’t just heard; they were felt. For example, this PR tactic was extremely successful for businesses like Sarah Jade Hair, who recently won the TikTok business award for 2023. Sarah’s storytelling went beyond the business / service, instead delved deep into the ethos and values of her brand. Her voice and story shone brightly through every post which clearly resonated with her target audience. This authenticity is what makes a brand more than just a name – it’s a story people want to be part of.

Influencer partnerships

Influencer marketing took a distinctive turn this year. The days of the celebrity / macro influencer endorsements are in the past. 2023 was about micro-influencers and niche markets. Brands partnered with influencers who embody their values and speak directly to their audience. It’s not just about reach; it’s about relevance. These influencers became brand storytellers, creating User-Generated Content (UGC) that’s relatable, engaging, and above all, trustworthy. An amazing example this is Sam Guggenheimer, she created stunning UGC content for brands like YSL, Ultra Violette, M Co Beauty and many more this past year which drove new audiences and sales for those brands.

Digital integration

In 2023, digital platforms have become indispensable in boosting brand visibility and effectiveness. These platforms are not merely tools; they are vital for engaging, tracking and enhancing brand credibility and sales opportunities. Brands not leveraging these digital solutions are missing out on crucial opportunities and efficiency gains.

Brands need to embrace tools like Flaunter for PR and media/influencer relations, social media schedulers such as Sked or Hootsuite, and AI solutions like ChatGPT to significantly improve efficiencies and processes. More importantly, digital tools expand a brand’s in-house capabilities, opening doors to wider success and innovation. In this fast-paced industry of PR and digital marketing, these integrations are not just just beneficial. They’re essential for staying ahead.

PR predictions for 2024

AI and virtual reality

2024 will witness a revolutionary shift in PR with the integration of AI and VR. AI is set to transform the mundane tasks of PR into a seamless, efficient process. Picture AI not only analysing data but also crafting media releases with expert precision, effortlessly converting speech-to-text for interviews, translating pitches for a global audience and pinpointing the ideal influencer-brand matches. This advancement in AI means a shift from routine tasks to more creative and strategic endeavors in PR.

Virtual Reality (VR) is poised to take brand storytelling to an unprecedented level. Offering immersive experiences, VR will enable brands to connect with audiences on a more profound and emotional plane, establishing a more impactful and memorable brand presence.

Adapting to shrinking attention spans with snappy messaging

As attention spans dwindle, possibly now shorter than the average TikTok video, the emphasis on concise, impactful messaging will be more crucial than ever. The trend observed in 2023, where brands and influencers captured audience engagement within moments, will intensify. Expect to see innovative strategies that grab attention instantly and deliver the message before the audience scrolls away.

Video and audio content evolves

Video and audio content will continue to reign, but the focus will shift from hard selling to building connections. Emerging trends show a pivot from in-your-face ads to content that feels more like a catch-up with your bestie than an ad break. The familiarity and relaxed nature of brands’ social media presence, like Uber, fosters a tighter sense of community – reminding people that there are humans behind the brands.

Digital PR channels will thrive

Just as social media is a marketing support tool for brands, PR platforms [like Flaunter] will become just as essential for businesses to be on.

Digital PR channels will become increasingly vital for brand strategies as they indispensable tools for brands. For example, Flaunter provides a digital showroom for PR gifting and sample tracking, media relations, online press kits, content libraries and comprehensive reporting. The emphasis will be on creating tailored content for each platform, recognising the unique audience and engagement styles.

With media, creators and industry having 24/7 access to these digital PR tools, brands will have to be on them in order to be discovered and promoted.

Emphasis on quality editorial content

With increasing skepticism towards advertisements, editorial content will [again] rise in significance. Brands will need to focus on creating compelling, unique stories that stand out to journalists and readers alike. This approach is not just about visibility; it’s about providing value and substance, setting the brand apart in a crowded digital landscape.

2024 will be a year of dynamic change in the PR industry, marked by technological advancements and a shift towards more personal, impactful communication strategies. Brands will need to adapt to these changes to maintain relevance and continue to connect meaningfully with their audiences.


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