Spotlight On: Sarah Vize from Trit House

This week, we had the pleasure of speaking to Sarah Vize - the Sales and Marketing Manager of Trit House. Sarah share her secrets about her role at the company, the home interiors & architecture space and much more. Let’s dive in.

Hi Sarah, can you start by telling us a bit about yourself and how you came to be the Sales & Marketing Manager at Trit House?

I started at Trit House casually when studying Architecture at university and have taken on many different roles at the company in the last 9 years. Having such a strong understanding of the Trit House brand and products, along with our company's business objectives is how I transitioned into Sales & Marketing. Having a background in customer service certainly helps to understand what consumers want and need.

Can you tell us your favourite part of the job?

I get most excited by seeing the new furniture as it comes in! But the best part about the job is the team I get to work with and the collaborative environment we have. I’ve also been able to travel interstate to our various stores and internationally to design fairs and for supplier visits. 

Trit House has been a trendsetter since its inception in 2006. What was the initial vision behind the brand, and how has it evolved over the years?

At Trit our Directors are very hands on and wanted to create a furniture company full of pieces they loved. As their style has evolved and matured so has Trit’s. Getting older, having families, it all changes your lifestyle along with the beautiful pieces you choose to surround yourself with. Our signature vision for Inspired Living came to fruition in 2019 and has helped to guide many of our recent ventures.

Your brand is celebrated for blending a global design perspective with Australian style. How do you achieve this unique mix, and what impact does it have on your collections?

We liked to have a variation of design styles so customers can create a unique home that reflects their personal point-of-view. The modern Australian style as we define it is something relaxed and approachable, it has elements of minimalism in terms of design details i.e. having clean lines, but still rich with texture and colours. Australia is such a large place and even between our stores we find there are various nuances between design preferences and what pieces and brands customers gravitate towards which informs what we will highlight in each store.

Trit House is all about curation. Can you share how you go about curating your collections and ensuring each piece fits your brand’s signature vision?

There are many different ways a product might come to be in our collection. Sometimes it might be led by a beautiful piece of marble we are able to source first before coming up with a design to do that material justice. In a broader sense, you can curate a collection by thinking about the end result. By considering the architecture of Australian homes and the lifestyle, indoor outdoor living, open plan spaces etc. you can envisage where these pieces might end up. From there you can work backwards from the hero piece to create a setting that looks balanced, just like an interior designer would. It’s all about picking pieces that speak to us and that we can see in the homes of our customers.

Your recent Paru collection is inspired by the ethereal beauty of pearls and the simplicity of Japanese architecture. How did you create your campaign around this?

The Paru series is an understated capsule collection. For smaller releases like this, especially when the materials feel familiar, it is important to get the story right. Once you get the story across the customer will understand the design decisions and form a connection with that piece.

From your creative hub in Melbourne, you develop unique products and collaborate with international design talents. How do you choose your partners, and what do you look for in these collaborations?

We pick partners that make great spokespeople for Trit. When we work with someone it is a true collaboration and a relationship that we are investing in for the long term. The Tiramisu Collection by Bec Judd is a perfect example of this. Bec has been a friend of the brand for years and we are excited to be involved in her Arthurs Seat project later in the year.

How do you stay ahead of design trends and keep your collections fresh and exciting?

Our collection is ever evolving which is what keeps customers coming back. We release new products monthly and are constantly rotating our store displays, so if you haven’t been online or into a Trit store recently, this is definitely a sign to check back! By measuring sales and responses to certain items, the figures can tell us what materials and series to expand on and where to draw back. For inspiration for new pieces we look everywhere! From fashion & art to nature. At the moment we are focusing on fabric, there’s definitely been a shift from velvet into textured multi toned boucle adjacent fabrics. Like on our Adina Chair or Luna Sofa.

 Can you share some examples of how your pieces have transformed homes and reflected individual styles?

For this you can just take a look at our tagged photos on instagram! It’s true that just one piece can transform a home or give it a completely new look. At Trit we go against a one size fits all approach to figure out what will appeal to the individual customer and fit in with their existing pieces. Uplifting and changing a space has such a transformative impact on the person who lives in or visits that space. Well designed homes help to boost mood along with productivity and creativity, and a clean and welcoming bedroom will help you sleep better at night.

Marketing and PR play a big role in building your brand. Can you talk about some of the strategies you use to connect with your audience and build brand loyalty?

At Trit we do a lot of content marketing to highlight and portray our products in the best possible way. We put a lot of time and effort into our content so customers know what they are purchasing, and also have a strong focus on the in store experience through staff training, promotions and other in store activations. This really helps to build a loyal customer base. For those that can’t get in store our blog and EDM’s become really important to tell stories on particular collections, categories and products. With such a large range like we have at Trit it can be overwhelming for a customer at first, but by telling the various brand stories it helps them to build a connection with our products. Lastly our technical team works very hard to make sure our website has the most up to date and relevant information so we can be found by the right people.

Social media is a powerful tool for lifestyle brands. How does Trit House leverage platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to showcase your collections and engage with your community?

Social media is so powerful, and as mentioned content creation is a key part for Trit House. Shooting in house as well as on location is essential for us. It allows us to put the Trit spin on our products. Shoppers will often discover us through social media and come to us with their saved Pinterest boards or Instagram folders. It’s an important tool for anyone looking to update their home. Lately we’ve been focusing on video content and our plan for the future is for more content in our clients homes (everyone loves a before and after).

Tell us a secret. What can we expect from Trit House in the coming years? Are there any exciting projects or collaborations on the horizon that you can share with us?

Yes! Our main focus this year is on expansion. With two new stores currently in the works along with a second warehouse to have better infrastructure to support our customers demands. We have a new lookbook launching next week and another exciting location shoot in July just to name a couple. As for collaborations, that's a secret we can’t reveal yet!

View Trit House on Flaunter here.


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