From the Mouths of Media: Melissa Singer, SMH / The Age

Ever wondered what editors really want from the PRs they work with? We spoke to some of the best in the business to find out how to stand out from the pack, build relationships and get that coveted coverage. We spoke with Melissa Singer, National Fashion Editor, of the Sydney Morning Herald and  The Age to find out more.

F: What are 3 things that must be included in a media release or pitch email?

MS: Clear details. It’s incredible how often I have to go combing through a release to find basics such as on-sale dates, etc. 

A usable, high-res image. That means no conspicuous branding, and in a format I don’t have to ask another picture editor to adjust.

Whether the story is being offered as an exclusive or first run, and clarity around this. No cryptic clues, please!

F: What do you look for in an email subject line that makes you want to open it?

MS: Personalisation. If I think something is targeted to me, specifically, I am more inclined to open it. But I can smell a “Hey beauty” or “Hey Mel” form email a mile away!

F: How important is sending product, samples, physical media kits?

MS: It’s useful but not essential. There is a lot of clutter in the world and receiving products that aren’t relevant to my area can be a turn-off more than not receiving anything at all.

F: What can brands do to stand out in your overcrowded inbox?

MS: Not email incessantly. A well-timed, well-executed pitch will get my attention more than a barrage of generic releases/EDMs.

F: How many emails a day would you send going back and forth with brands about things like RRP, availability etc.?

MS: To be honest I often just go find the information myself as it can be quicker, frustrating as that can be sometimes!

F: How do you use Flaunter?

MS: It is very useful when I am in a jam and need a product image fast or at an unsociable hour (I am often at my computer at 5.30am – blame pregnancy insomnia!)

F: What’s your favourite thing about Flaunter? 

MS: Being able to find a range of images from multiple brands – great when I am doing a category dump.


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